Professional mobility is the norm today. More and more people are regularly working for long periods in different cities. But not everyone feels comfortable in the impersonal atmosphere of many hotels. The Format Architecture office in Cologne has found a great solution: with their Concrete Apartments, they offer travellers fifty individualized apartments, the largest of which are equipped with modular sofas by Cubit.
Feels like home - that was the claim made by Concrete Apartments in Cologne from the very beginning. In contrast to a hotel, travellers are meant to settle here and feel just as comfortable as they do at home. That is why Format Architecture has furnished the differently sized apartments with a great deal of attention to detail, and accents, which provide opportunities for individualization. Whether pinboards made from old oak, handmade decorative shells, or adjustable designer furniture – the inhabitants of Concrete Apartments are encouraged to design their rooms themselves. This is a concept into which the Cubit sofa fits perfectly.
Guests can arrange the sofas however they wish
Markus Moster, founder and builder of the Concrete Apartments, came to the young furniture designers from Düsseldorf in search of flexible, modular seating. “Cubit's furniture is versatile and flexible, so it fits perfectly into our concept. We provide the living space and the guests can design it,” says Moster. This works easily and allows for stylish seating arrangements: each of the larger apartments comes with a three-seater Cubit combination – artistically arranged in the middle of the room. All guests are invited to take the arrangement apart, and to move and place the furniture according to their wishes and needs. This creates completely individual living spaces – for a time.
Modern design suits youthful apartments
“The simple, modern design of Cubit appealed to me right away. It fits very well with our youthful apartments,” says Moster. At the same time, the colorful sofas bring vivid accents into every apartment. For three days, Markus Moster tested design, functionality, comfort, and colors with a sample sofa and fabric patterns from Cubit. Subsequently, he selected the appropriate modules for each apartment using the online configurator. For the fabrics, his choice fell to two manufacturers – Rohi and Deploeg. Like all Cubit fabrics, they are easy to clean, flame-resistant, and hard-wearing. Practical: Covers can be easily removed from all sofas for cleaning purposes. Thus, the next guest is guaranteed a clean, appealing and, above all, individualizable sofa sculpture.

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Photos: Lukas Roth und Michael Neumann

About Cubit®:
Mymito GmbH develops, manufactures, and distributes the Cubit® brand online in Europe. These modular furniture systems boast high material quality, careful production, and timeless design. Minou Farkhondeh (interior designer) and Thomas Reichel (merchant) founded the company in 2006.