The story goes that this shawl was given by T E Lawrence (Laurence of Arabia) to one of his nannies as a gift and was then passed on. A letter from the last owners relating this story accompanies this piece. It was kept in an attic and is in perfect condition.

Lawrence was a British archeologist, scholar, writer and soldier who mobilised the Arab Revolt in World War I, helping the Arabs against the Turks. He then became known as 'Lawrence of Arabia' and was later immortalised in 1962 in the famous film of the same name.

L'atelier Natalia Willmott launches a new section on her website called INSPIRATION- a series of  little tableaux of her favourite finds- each telling a story.

Here you will find, the beautiful shawl on a Regency bobbin chair, a palm tree table lamp and moon candleholder, two textile original gouaches from a French silk manufacturer's archive and a gorgeous oriental glass and gold bowl.
