If you own a house in modern architecture, you do not want to have a bird feeder house in the Alpenhaus style (Alps house style) on your property. The feeders of OPOSSUM design are a real alternative to traditional birdhouses: classic modernity meets unprejudiced birds.
Extensively tested and found to be good, bullfinches, titmice, sparrows and greenfinches and a great spotted woodpecker are permanent guests.

Clear forms, roofs spanning far, branches as a natural aid to landing characterise these Bauhaus-style birdhouses. They are beautiful in winter time with a roof of snow but also in summer time with the happy twittering.
But to keep them beautiful for a long time, they are made of absolutely stainless materials. Stainless steel and powder-coated aluminium guarantee timeless design and an unlimited service life.
These feeding places delight birds as well as people and donate a lot of joy to the owner. The daily watching with the colorful bird life decelerates, relaxes and is exciting at the same time.

Available in selected specialist shops, in garden centres and from landscape architects
online at
www.opossum-design.com .
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