A slanting roof and generous openings characterize this modern architecture interpretive bird feeder. Stainless steel is combined with a natural slate roof. A self-seeked branch serves as a natural landing aid, makes birds feel comfortable.
Not only the design but also the material selection of this bird house is timeless and durable.
To ensure that cats have no chance of an additional meal, this bird feeder can be mounted on a seperate available 1.5 meter high stainless steel rod.
The dinner is served.
... and another one with a slate roof: VH-10
As the VH-6 also the bird feeders of the VH-10 series are equipped with natural slates. In these, another concept comes into play: Here layers of different types of food such as bright (peeled) and black sunflower seeds are filled between the large, double-sided viewing windows. The picking and slipping of the kernels results in new interesting graphic structures every day.