O U T D O O R   S U M M E R   L I G H T I N G


Long, warm evenings spent outdoors and glorious golden hours are truly what Summer is all about. 

Fill your space with solar lights, which soak up the sunshine throughout the day and as dusk falls the integral daylight sensor will automatically illuminate your lights, for the ultimate fuss-free ambiance.  Layer your imagination by lighting at three levels, string festoons overhead for a twinkling canopy, add our ultra-realistic outdoor, waterproof TruGlow® candles to your table top, and place candle lanterns on the ground. For a finsihing touch, wrap micro lights around your parasol stand.


" Lighting your outdoor space for summer is simpler than you think to achieve. We always recommend layering your lights, paying particular attention to darker corners. Solar lights are the most environmentally friendly choice and, best of all, they look after themselves, so you can sit back, relax and enjoy! "

Jo Naughton - Co-Founder & PR Director


S U M M E R   G A R D E N   L I F E S T Y L E


O U R   S U M M E R   P I C K S