Finally a practical and sustainable (not to mention much prettier) alternative to plastic wrap is the new ever&again Freezer Bag, perfect for freezing your homemade pizzas, for example. Need to prepare for a special dinner or a small gift like for Mothers day in advanceā€¦ these bags help you prep and store foods with ease!
Of course, other goodies such as spinach, herb bunches, or cakes and bread can be stored in the Freezer Bag and kept in the freezer, too.
Our sustainable range shines in great spring colors and scores with the many daily uses. Warm bread can be cut , served and stored
with the help of our
3 in 1 Bread BagCut fruit is safely stored with our refrigerator-suitable Food Hoods and our Snack Bags are perfect for your sandwich on the go as well as for for freezing herbs,  vegetables or even cheese, for example!

With our Utensil Roll you have your own cutlery always at hand and can enjoy every office break or spontaneously bought food without a guilty conscience.

This chic little lunch bag for on the go consists of cotton and fine linen. This makes it perfect for the roll or the snack in between. With our 
Bakery Bag the lugging of lunch boxes is a thing of the past. Whether crumpled or carefully folded, this little sweetheart fits easily into any of your bags for less space and less waste!

Our sustainable and washable alternative to traditional makeup removal pads are A must-have for your daily facial cleansing and makeup routine.
The reusable
Cotton Rounds are made from stylish upcycled & leftover materials and are handmade with great attention to detail in social workshops in Germany.
Don't you just love the fresh colorful fruits and vegetables of sprint time?
Keep it fresh even longer with our range of sustainable products-  
With our chic 
Veggie Bags  you can buy without the waste of plastic bags, our Mini Hoods helps sliced fruits stay long fresh in the refrigerator and our Freezer Bag keeps vegetables in the freezer extra long fresh.
Sustainability can be so easy!