Today we would like to introduce you to who is behind ever&again and why Kristina Günther founded her company...

ever&again was born from the desire to learn from the past
in the hopes of creating a better and more beautiful future. 
And in doing so, inspire individuals to be more environmentally
conscious in their daily lives, so that our planet can survive as a
long lasting and sustainable place to be.

 We wish to inspire people to be more environmentally conscious in
their daily lives and thus, keep our beautiful planet a sustainable and green home.

ever&again was founded in 2017 in Frankfurt am Main by Kristina Parr Guenther, a woman like so many in todays society, who juggle the challenges of work and motherhood while striving to live sustainably and consciously.

Already in 2012 she made her first Food hoods to stop the constant fight and waste of sticky and annoying plastic foil. Now, she and her young and dedicated team are constantly creating new products that help to support a realistic and equally beautiful sustainable lifestyle.


Our desire for goodness is not just found in our end product, but in the entire journey along they way. Therefore, ever&again also stands for fair, social and local production. Since our first handsewn Food hood we have been committed to local German factories, with the Frankfurt Rehabilitation as home to 95% of all productions.

The cooperation with the rehabilitation workshops enables us to fine-tune new product ideas down to the smallest detail and thus to achieve a very special quality within each and every piece. We are in a true partnership with our workshops and are on site every week, where we are constantly touched by the care and ambition that all the seamstresses put into our production. Kristina’s dog Dakota is also an important team member and visits
the workshop every week.
The workers excitedly await her visit and are given so much joy through her presence… and Dakota too with all the treats she’s given….
We at ever&again put all our energy and soul into our work and are therefore
convinced that together we can achieve a greener collective consciousness
for a longer lasting planet.