Gary Mossman, a highly successful tattoo artist of 12 years was looking for a new business and studio space to work out of after his clientele started travelling from all over the world for his work.
Looking for a solution that didn’t have high rent charges like the high-street studio spaces he had
previously worked from, Gary first considered converting a room in his house, but disregarded it due to the lack of professionalism and the intrusion it could have on his home life.

The Solution?
A Garden Room turned into a Home Business Studio!


“The 'Edge' garden room caught my eye a couple of years ago. So slick and well, edgy. Seeing it sparked the whole home studio idea in the first place and as far as I could tell it was the Green Retreats Edge – or nothing.”

Gary opted for a striking 4.5m x 2.5m garden room that he can now run his business in all year-round. Built with premium insulation throughout and heating keeps the studio at a comfortable temperature no matter the season.

Gary isn’t alone in turning his underused garden space into a home business or home office. With the new normal of working from home, Green Retreats has seen a +173% increase in demand for their garden rooms being used as garden offices compared to pre-pandemic in 2019.

Rarely requiring planning permission makes a garden room a more cost-effective and quicker space solution than a home extension or conversion.

The finished garden room has electricity, internet, air conditioning and even running water to keep up with high hygiene standards. Opting for a plastered wall finish the garden building is warm and inviting and the stylish industrial accents make you feel like you could be in any high street studio.
“The most memorable part of my Green Retreats experience was of course seeing the dream come together in my garden. It was exciting to see the team build what would soon be my own home tattoo studio right there in my garden."

Gary’s ‘Edge’ 4.5m x 2.5m garden room starts from £22,695 for a complete and installed solution including: base/foundations, 2.3m French or sliding doors, opening window, oak laminate flooring, internal wiring, 3 double plug sockets, lighting, heating, premium-grade insulation and delivery within 100 miles of the Green Retreats Buckinghamshire factory.
“My studio will pay for itself in about a year and a half with instant benefits.”
For more real customer case studies showing how a garden room has solved their space dilemma visit

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About Green Retreats

Green Retreats have been the UK’s leading garden room company since 2005 having designed, manufactured, and installed over 13,000 garden rooms.


Green Retreats is proud to present architecture guru and BAFTA Award-winning TV personality Kevin McCloud as their Brand Ambassador.


PR Contact:

Hannah Watson

Creative Marketing Executive | Green Retreats