Winter has lasted far too long this year and we stayed at home with a hot tea too long as well.
It is time to get a little crazy. Of course, we are not talking about dropping everything and traveling around the world (however, we do not discourage either!). But something needs to be done to make life more comfortable and colorful.
Going to the cinema can be very expensive and problematic, the smell of popcorn and the crowd can lead to a headache - so why not bring the cinema to our home? Sounds great, don’t you think?
It is not so difficult: mowed lawn, seats, cushions or a seat mat, a lantern and something delicious to eat. This option will surely appeal to your children and their friends.  And the arrange of that kind of party will not be as requiring as a party at home.

Work & Life Balance
Taking care of our loved ones is really important thing. However, we must remember that, if we do not take care of ourselves first, we will not have enough strength for our loved ones.
What gives us strength? It is worth considering the answer carefully. For some of us it will be peace and quiet (I address this answer especially to parents), for others it will be workout excercises or meetings with friends. Everyone should find something for himself. There are no wrong answers, The effect counts- inner peace. Is it worth to create a place for it? Always!

Work & Life Balance

Sich um andere Menschen zu kümmern, ist eine wirklich wichtige Sache. Wir müssen jedoch wis-sen, dass wir nicht genug Kraft für unsere Nächsten haben, wenn wir uns nicht in erster Linie um sich selbst kümmern.
Was gibt uns Kraft? Es lohnt sich, die Antwort sorgfältig zu überdenken. Für einige von uns ist das Ruhe (diese Antwort richtet sich besonders an junge Eltern), für andere körperliche Aktivität oder Treffen mit Freunden und einige von Ihnen werden feststellen, dass etwas ganz anderes ist. Es gibt keine falschen Antworten, was zählt, ist die Wirkung- innere Ruhe, dank der wir alle Widrigkeiten schneller und leichter überwinden. Lohnt es sich also, einen Ort der Entspannung für sich selbst zu schaffen? Auf jeden Fall!
Unfortunately, the weather in our climate does not always coddle. We have to be prepared for many scenarios. A great solution is a winter garden. It allows you to enjoy the summer longer, and with a changing weather it will provide a safe place for meeting with friends or family. In fall and winter you can still enjoy this place without fear that you will get cold quickly.
And what about those who do not have a garden, terrace or balcony? You can create perfect place to chill out with comfortable sofa in your room. thanks to it, you can relax or spend time with loved ones, regardless of the weather.