The Big Summer Sale has landed at Cult. Instead of the usual sale graphics, you might find floating around on sites - this year, as you may have noticed, Cult has pulled out all the stops and is breaking new boundaries.

To learn more about Cults Big Summer Sale, we sat down with Becka, our Creative photography & Styling Manager, to discuss further...

Talk us through the initial concept and story behind the Summer Sale campaign?
Instead of the usual graphic sale campaigns we see everywhere, we wanted to push new boundaries for Cult with our “Fashion + Floral”  inspired Summer Sale campaign. We chose to shoot this in an artistic setting with a model to breathe some fun energy into the campaign and to connect with customers.

As the leading Creative Photography & Styling Manager, tell us what makes this one different from the rest?

Aside from shooting with a model for the first time (which was incredibly fun!) we produced our first social media campaign video, which allowed the high energy on set to be conveyed to our social audience.

Where did you source/ gain inspiration for the styling, theme & photoshoot?
When you think of Spring / Summer what comes to mind? Flowers, meadows, even freshly cut grass is up there! Our marketing team briefed in ‘red’ to convey the feeling of a sale, so it stemmed from there (mind the pun).

In terms of inspiration the likes of Pinterest, Instagram, various interior and fashion magazines were all very instrumental in building the art direction and final look.

Lastly, tell us your highlights from the days you spent shooting and working to bring everything together?
The shoot itself was really high energy with such a positive feeling. The real highlights were watching the silliness of our lovely model Terri forward rolling over sofas and singing into floor lamps turned into a strong campaign - we even had a furry visitor sneak into the studio to come and say hello