Technology, sustainability and design brought together in one revolutionary product.  This and much more is Graphit, a contemporary wood surface project created by Listone Giordano, a reference brand in the high-end wood flooring sector, born from an innovative production process that combines aesthetic function and technological experimentation. 

Dwelling on the wooden surface of Listone Giordano parquet flooring, Graphit has given a new look to the material texture thanks to a special industrial process, with some manual interventions, which foresees a pigmented base on which a graphite powder-based paste is applied and completed with the application of a protective finishing layer of opaque oil, the result of a specially designed mixture.

The spark that was born from the meeting between Alisea and Listone Giordano and that gave birth to Graphit, was ignited following that track of curiosity and desire for experimentation innate to the Umbrian company. Materials with no value for one company, as waste or inevitable production scraps, can become raw material for another.