The team at Hillarys have partnered with a celebrity psychic and astrologer to discover what each star sign should focus on when refreshing their home for the new year.

Inbaal Honigman says:

"March 21st - April 19th

Aries space should echo their boldness and zest for adventure. When considering a refresh, they should try to make their rooms as open as possible and incorporate vibrant hues like reds and energetic blues to infuse their living space with vitality. They should try bold patterns like zebra print to give their space just the right amount of wildness, while keeping a contemporary aesthetic intact.

April 20th - May 20th

As a haven of comfort, a Taurus home embraces elegance and earthy indulgence. As a naturally indoorsy sign, they shouldn’t be afraid to use more neutrals in the home as they compliment most earthy colours like greens to create cosy reading corners.

May 21st - June 20th

A Gemini home is an ever-evolving canvas. To refresh their space, they should infuse with vibrant pops of colour and eclectic décor that mirrors their personality. It may mean that Geminis are refreshing their home as often as their mood shifts, embracing change as a constant source of inspiration.

June 21st - July 22nd

Nurturing Cancerians create sanctuaries that cocoon their emotions. This family-minded sign should refresh their home by incorporating sentimental décor that reflects cherished memories. Infusing sociable spaces with nurturing elements like greenery and cosy corners will foster a retreat to recharge amidst the ebbs and flows of life. 

July 23rd - August 22nd

Born under the sign of the lion, Leos are strong and determined characters. As a sunny sign, golds should take centre stage in their homes to create a touch of opulence and to add depth to their space. 

August 23rd - September 22nd

Detail-oriented Virgos should embrace minimalism, incorporating multifunctional furniture that maximises efficiency without sacrificing style. Along with decluttering regularly, a refresh in their home should involve creating designated spaces for productivity and relaxation such as a comfortable home office. 

September 23rd - October 22nd

The decor most suited to a Libra is rich in elegance and gracefulness. Naturally Libras will gravitate towards soft materials, like linen and chiffon, to lighten up a space and project the feeling of calm that they seek.

October 23rd - November 21st

Scorpios are known for their passionate personalities, which can be reflected through their desire for intense and dark colour schemes. Dark blue is a great colour alternative to black, providing a sleek and stylish finish to any room of the home.

November 22nd - December 21st

The free- spirited and generous nature of a Sagittarius means they are more fluid with their design choices. Maximalism is a decor style they tend not to shy away from and experimenting with eclectic patterns, colours antexture is rooted through their personalities.

December 22nd - January 19th

Practicality surrounds Capricorns as they’re known for taking pride in both themselves and their homes. They prefer minimalist colours and organised spaces to keep their environment looking neat and in place…exactly how it should be.

January 20th - February 18th

Aquarius’ have a caring nature about them, and feel more comfortable choosing sustainable textures and materials. Born under the sign of the water-bearer, colours that represent air, such as greens and blues, are more suited to Aquarius’ tastes and they may choose to inject pops of these shades throughout their home.

February 19th - March 20th

The empathic nature of a Pisces personality means they crave a peaceful interior and a space in which they feel safe and secure. They seek a home environment that flows in personality but nothing too bold to make a big statement. They enjoy layering textures and want to utilise natural light wherever possible."

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