Our Stainless Steel Bird Feeder VH-14

Inspired by a triangle—or to some, reminiscent of an A-frame house—the VH-14 bird feeder, with its base measuring 29 x 21 cm, is particularly well-suited for placement on a wider windowsill or a thick wall. Four small rubber feet provide a non-slip stand and protect the birdhouse from scratches. With the help of a separately available stainless steel wire, this feeding station can also be perfectly hung from tree branches.

For cat-proof placement, an optional 1.5-meter long stainless steel rod is available. This can be extended to 2 meters with an additional element, useful when the ground is very soft and the rod needs to be driven deeper for a secure stand.

Whether freestanding or integrated into a low shrub group, our birdhouse blends discreetly into any garden environment. Despite its closed side construction, this birdhouse maintains a very delicate appearance.

Two beech wood perches serve as landing aids for the birds and create a boundary at the front and back. The included porcelain dish can be used for bird food (we recommend sunflower seeds) or as a small water dish during drier times.

This feeding station is available at select specialty stores and garden centers, as well as directly from OPOSSUM design.

You can download more images and other product information in high resolution from our website here.

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About OPOSSUM design

Der Markt ist voller Produkte, viele austauschbar, kurzlebig, anonym. Wir möchten Emotionen schaffen mit den Gegenständen, die uns umgeben. Produkte mit Raffinesse in Funktion und Ästhetik, durch klares, zeitgemäßes Design, ohne pure Formalismen und modischem Schnickschnack. Zeitlose Produkte, die Geschichten erzählen mit Inhalt, Sinnlichkeit, Spaß und zuweilen auch etwas Ironie, die Vergnügen bereiten. OPOSSUM design und VEJTSBERG - zwei Marken unter einen Dach: Erstere steht für Wohn- und Gartenaccessoires, Letztere für Kleinmöbel und Leuchten - aber immer im modernen, zeitlosen Design, produziert in Deutschland.

The market is filled with products, many interchangeable, short-lived, and anonymous. We aim to evoke emotions with the objects that surround us. Products characterized by sophistication in function and aesthetics, achieved through clear, contemporary design without pure formalism and fashionable gimmicks. Timeless products that tell stories with substance, sensuality, enjoyment, and occasionally a touch of irony, providing pleasure. OPOSSUM design and VEJTSBERG - two brands under one roof: the former represents home and garden accessories, the latter represents small furniture and lighting - always in modern, timeless design, produced in Germany

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