The decorative bike holders from our VEJTSBERG collection surprise with wit and added value. Whether as a smiling moose, a powerful bull or a beetle, these bike holders in a modern design impress with their functionality, also offer space for a bike helmet, lock and shoulder bag, and at the same time enhance any room as a design object

It's not just racing bikes that can be put in the spotlight with these wall holders. Thanks to the arms that can be adjusted in height using small wooden inserts, our bike holders are also suitable for bikes with slanted or no top tubes, i.e. also for mountain bikes, city bikes and women's bikes.

Removable frame protectors made of naturally tanned and hand-stitched leather on the ends of the stainless steel arms protect every bike frame perfectly from scratches.

You can find even more pictures and information about our bike racks on our website. Or register in the press area on our website


About OPOSSUM design

Der Markt ist voller Produkte, viele austauschbar, kurzlebig, anonym. Wir möchten Emotionen schaffen mit den Gegenständen, die uns umgeben. Produkte mit Raffinesse in Funktion und Ästhetik, durch klares, zeitgemäßes Design, ohne pure Formalismen und modischem Schnickschnack. Zeitlose Produkte, die Geschichten erzählen mit Inhalt, Sinnlichkeit, Spaß und zuweilen auch etwas Ironie, die Vergnügen bereiten. OPOSSUM design und VEJTSBERG - zwei Marken unter einen Dach: Erstere steht für Wohn- und Gartenaccessoires, Letztere für Kleinmöbel und Leuchten - aber immer im modernen, zeitlosen Design, produziert in Deutschland.

The market is filled with products, many interchangeable, short-lived, and anonymous. We aim to evoke emotions with the objects that surround us. Products characterized by sophistication in function and aesthetics, achieved through clear, contemporary design without pure formalism and fashionable gimmicks. Timeless products that tell stories with substance, sensuality, enjoyment, and occasionally a touch of irony, providing pleasure. OPOSSUM design and VEJTSBERG - two brands under one roof: the former represents home and garden accessories, the latter represents small furniture and lighting - always in modern, timeless design, produced in Germany

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