Three simple yet effective home updates for Summer

With another bank holiday just around the corner, and the sun finally shining, it’s the prime time to start thinking about getting on with all those jobs you’ve been avoiding over the winter months. Tom Edmunds, Heating Expert and General Manager at Wunda Group, shares his recommendation of projects and DIY jobs to get stuck into this summer:

Replace Your Heating System:

“As we don’t tend to use our heating systems in the summer months, installing a system during this time ensures we are ready to enjoy its benefits far ahead of winter, minimising any temporary discomfort or inconvenience that installing a system in the colder months might bring.

The installation process might seem daunting, but with guided technical support, or the help of a professional, Wunda’s simple Rapid Response® System can often be retrofit into a space such as a living room and hallway in as little as two days which makes it the perfect job for a weekend DIY while the heating is switched off.

Designed for easy installation, it eliminates the need for a traditional screed, and our Rapid Response® boards are easily and securely laid down with a spray adhesive right below your flooring.”

Spruce Up Your Windows:

“Give your windows a good clean and let the sunlight stream through. Touch up any paintwork around the frame and upgrade any draughtproofing that has seen better days. Get ahead of this task now before the colder months arrive and the energy efficiency in your home reduces. Short term planning has great, long-term benefits.”

Declutter and Clear Some Space:

“You might be packing away winter knits and coats or be thinking about clearing some space in the kids’ bedrooms ahead of the summer holidays, prepare to be ruthless. Consider donating or recycling anything you haven’t used for a long time, is past its best condition or you no longer have space for. Did you know that overcluttered rooms can obstruct the natural flow of air within a room? It prevents air from circulating effectively, resulting in less efficient heating systems. Open your windows wide and encourage the fresh summer air to flow throughout your home while you detox your cupboards.”

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